Safety is of the utmost concern when it comes to snow and ice on your walkways and driveways. It can be beneficial to have some one ready to go when the snow falls. Clearing paths is only the first step. It is important to put down traction de-icer so that the ice has a harder time forming keeping the walk ways safe for those that traffic on them.

Choose a Plan That Works For You.


Service to Service

Transparency in pricing is important. For service to service without a membership or account, we charge a $50 fee for each visit to your property for snow removal and de-icer. It will then cost $75/hr, this includes time spent clearing the pathways and salting them. There is also a material cost of around $25 for the first bag of salt, $15 for the second, $5 for the third, and any additional bags will not be charged to you. (For Multiple Days within the 7 days of service their is a $15/hr reduction to the cost)

With Service to Service there is the risk of being over booked on the day you request service and may not be guaranteed Same-Day service.


On-Call Membership/Account

If we are your Lawn Care provider, we offer snow removal and De-Icer services in the same season at a discounted rate. Also with a Membership to our snow removal services you also receive a discounted rate. Another benefit to this is that you will have priority over Service to Service customers and are guaranteed Same-Day service. With this option you also receive discounts on salt and do not have to pay a visiting fee, and the hourly rate is also reduced. This is a day of service savings of up to $80. There is a $50/Month Membership fee for November through March (in Central Oregon) for those without a Lawn Care Account, $15/month with one (For More Information on How the Membership Fees work, Click the link below).

Ready for Some Peace of Mind?



General Services


Bark/Mulch Installation